CGBG Annual G-Body Classic July 2021 (Misc Cars & Making The Trip Down CGBG 5 of 5)

Today is the final day of coverage we did for the 4th annual CGBG annual G-body Classic show held in Cleveland, Ohio on Saturday July 24, 2021.

Even though this was a “G-Body” show, several other cars of all types were in attendance!
Check them all out below.


A record attendance level at this event was set! Somewhere around 200 (give or take a bit) G-bodies were present!


Road trips are usually always a fun experience, assuming you have no issues along the way (which we didn’t).
And you never know what you’re going to see along the way.
We expected to be able to view some G-bodies on the expressway, and we weren’t let down by the few we saw, which we knew exactly where they were headed!
(unlike the random cool cars you occasionally see during your travels that are going who knows where)

The crop duster that zoomed above our heads (on I-80) took us by surprise, and “looked” like it barely cleared the roof of the semi truck that was next to us!


Goodie bags were given to registered vehicle participants that contained a CGBG hat & a branded frisbee, among a few other items!


The class trophys that Frank & Reyna hand crafted are also shown below!


LOTS of raffle prizes were given away. Thanks to all of the sponsors for their donations!
GbodyParts, Southside Machine, Inline Tube, The Parts Place, Dixie Restoration, 80z performance, all contributed some excellent merch for this show!
(Gift cards, GN headlight bezels, emblems, a notch kit, SS brake lines, an led kit, amongst many many other items!)

(Congrats to Joe Streibel from Ohio, who won the LED light kit for his 1983 Olds Cutlass Calais. He said he lives 10 minutes away from the show!)


(kits are available for all G-body vehicles)



This was an awesome show (our first time), and there’s no doubt that we will be back next year!
You should too! Bring ’em out! #GbodyLife #GbodyORnoBody
(and you can be sure that if you do – you will see YOUR CAR shown on this website next year, just like the cars you have seen in the posts we have done in the last few days!)


If you’d like to see the other GM brand vehicles from the show, you can click the links below.



If you’ve enjoyed our coverage of this event, be sure to subscribe to this website, as we attend numerous events (mostly Buick, but many shows are a mixed bag of hot rods) and post them all up here on this site!
(there’s a popup you can use, or just look for the waving guy on the sidebar – the subscription box is underneath it!)











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