Cruising Port Huron Buscemi’s June 2024

After attending the Romeo Vintage Fest Classic Car Show earlier today (6-8-24), friends asked us if we were going to this Port Huron, MI, cruising session tonight.

We knew the weather was already iffy looking, but it’s been awhile since we’ve seen them (since one of last years car shows), so decided to venture out there, meeting up at Buscemi’s (one of the main hangout spots).

It did rain a few times, lightly, but enough to deter car enthusiasts, during our 3-hour visitation, which caused most other participants from, well, participating in the car cruise action.

There were however, a few brave souls who dared to challenge the weather in their assorted hot rods between the rain droplets.

This is another event that we chose the wrong day to attend, as our friend said the last car cruise here brought out a few hundred vehicles.
(oh well, can’t win ’em all, but it would be nice to win more often than not, right?)

But that’s ok, it was great to hang out and catch up with our fellow car buddies that live out this way who we don’t see often enough.

After all, it’s not always about the cars, it’s about the people.
And without the people, there would be no cars…

[there’s your thought provoking statement for today…]

We did see a couple G’s, a couple A’s, and a few other oddball things.




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