Custom Paint Buick Grand National

So after awhile, some Buick Grand National owners grew tired of the solid black paint scheme & decided to throw some custom paint jobs on their rides.

Sacrilege, you scream?
Perhaps, but to each their own…

Check out some of these mild to wild designs they have on their Turbo Regals:


custom turbo buick regal

custom turbo buick regal

custom turbo buick regal 3

custom turbo buick regal 4

custom red buick grand national

custom red buick grand national 2

wild turbo regal

WILD 87 T 2


wild 2 tone buick regal

silver over black turbo buick

buick sittin on 20s

buick sittin on 20s 2

custom two tone buick regal

black over purple paint buick grand national


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