Factory Buick Ashtray

From the 1985 BOC (Buick, Oldsmobile, Cadillac) Group open house event to the various Buick plant awards, holiday gatherings & sponsored event pass-outs, ashtrays bearing the Buick moniker or assorted logos were a common small trinket item that was given out back in the day (from the 1940s – 1980s) when smoking wasn’t so frowned upon.


1953 buick ashtray

buick plant #94 ash tray

1985 BOC ashtray

1948 Buick 22nd Xmas Christmas Party Ash Tray


Here’s some other items if you’re shopping for Buick merch:
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Here's some related Buick items if you happen to be shopping for Buick merchandise! (if you can't see them, turn off your ad blocker!)





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