Frankenmuth Auto Fest 2023 MI Car Show

We learned a lesson today, this September 10, 2023.
If you’re going to attend the Frankenmuth Auto Fest on a Sunday, get there early!
It’s been a while since we’ve been truly disappointed visiting a car show.
This was one of those times.

We were off to a bit of a late start in the day to begin with, then had to get gas, and right around the exit off I-75 for Frankenmuth, we were both starving.
So stopping for food was a necessity, as the expected long walk journey through the car show would require body fuel.
(and it wasn’t Zehnders or anywhere real cool, but a place where we’ve been before and both enjoy, and haven’t been there in a long time)

The event was officially scheduled to end at 5 PM.
The award ceremony began at 1 PM (which we found out when we arrived), with what we thought would take 1-2 hours, depending on how many trophies they actually gave out (which we don’t really know how many they did pass out).
Then we thought, as with other automotive events, participants would hang out afterwards (at least the majority of them, at any rate) until near the end time.

We arrived at 3 PM, to discover there were only about 50 show vehicles left, spread out throughout the many parking fields.
And not the usual autos that we normally like to view.
Apparently, pretty much everyone left right after the trophies were awarded (if not sooner, we’re not really sure).

To not make this a totally wasted trip, we did what normal people do when they come to Frankenmuth, Michigan.
Take a trip to Bronner’s!
It’s been a few decades since we perused inside there.
We browsed around for about 45 minutes, taking in the numerous amount of Christmas ornaments, trees, and related (Xmas & Halloween) merchandise within this humongous store!

Then we made the 90 mile, 1.5 hour trip back home.

The photos below represent what we garnered from our (mostly) disastrous trip (of about 5 total hours and a full tank of gas).

We did get a lot of neat pics of the grounds and surrounding areas, which is good for other people to see if they’ve never been to this Michigan tourist destination before.
But yes, our regular readers who’ve grown use to the type of cars we normally photograph on here will probably discover some other modes of transportation from the norm usually taken.

[note to self: only go on Saturday, like the past shows we’ve been to at this venue!]


6 (bigger) events left in September, and 4 in October.
We also want to hit up a few smaller type venues we’ve never been to before.
Then that’s a wrap for the 2023 car show season.




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