Hot Wheels Buick Grand National Error Cars

When you produce as many different cars as Hot Wheels does, there’s bound to be some mistakes made.
Missing wheels, different front & rear wheels, absent tampo stampings, etc.
Are these cars worth more than the regular variety Hot Wheel Buick Grand National?
Not necessarily, judging by the amount of vehicles listed on ebay that go unsold.
But then again, something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for them.
I often see people listing these types of die cast cars for a huge sum of cash, thinking that since they are “rare” – they must be worth a lot.
Sometimes they are worth a (small) premium over the base model (like the chrome interior variation on the grey car), but often times, not.


gray error
different rims on front than rear
the top one is packaged facing the wrong way
silver hotwheels buick packaged backwards error
facing the wrong direction
packaged opposite way
facing left instead of right
brown error car
mismatched front & rear wheels
2 different wheels
2 different wheels
yellow pennzoil error no tampo
missing tampo decals
HW silver buick gn chrome interior variation
chrome interior variation


Here’s some other items if you’re shopping for Buick merch:
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Here's some related Buick items if you happen to be shopping for Buick merchandise! (if you can't see them, turn off your ad blocker!)





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