Killer Mike + Grand National = V8 Buick Grind National! (video 1)

Not too long ago, we showed you the Hot Wheels Run The Jewels 87 Buick Regal GNX Diecast.

The owner of the real car this diecast is based on, Michael Render, had it transformed so he could arrive at the Grammy’s award show in style!


Here’s another Buick Grand National engine swap.
Purists beware…

Killer Mike’s Grind National
BUILT REGAL – Episode 1

Hemmings (magazine) is assisting in the build. They say:

“When the opportunity arose for Hemmings to help fulfill three-time Grammy award-winning rap artist Michael Render’s, aka “Killer Mike” wish of owning his dream car, we had to seize the chance. You see Mike has been a devoted fan of the iconic Buick Grand National since his childhood in the 1980s. However, amidst a life brimming with family, music, and community, his aspiration to make this dream a reality had to be put on hold.

Then, in early December of 2023, the stars aligned in the automotive realm, and a plan was set in motion to create Mike’s dream car with the specific goal of having it ready for him to drive to the 2024 Grammy Awards. With the collaboration of industry insiders and an exceptional team of designers and fabricators, we successfully turned Mike’s vision into reality.

Welcome to the story of Killer Mike’s Grind National!”


Check out the first episode here (a quick 9 minute watch):



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