Yesterday (Sunday, August 6, 2017) in Clinton Township Michigan, was the annual Gratiot Cruise event.
The turnout was spectacular, both in the parking lot where the Buick guys/gals met up, and on Gratiot Avenue where muscle cars of all shapes and sizes dominated the road.
Well over 20 Buick Turbo Regals made there way in and out of the Autozone parking lot (just south of 16 mile road) during the course of the cruise.
Aggressive Performance (586-771-9122 ~ website) once again sponsored the hangout spot where (the mostly) Buick Grand Nationals (and a few Regal T-types, as well as some other modern muscle cars) gathered at. Thanks to Bruce for another great show!
From within the meet spot:
Cruisers on the street:
From elsewhere along the cruise route: