Movies with Turbo Buicks in Them




Here’s a list of movies that have had a Buick Grand National or a Turbo Regal of some sort shown in them.

This is usually just an appearance of the vehicle in most movies, as opposed to the car being featured throughout the entire movie.




2 Fast 2 Real II (2006)
3 Strikes (2000)
Aliens vs Predator: Requiem (2007) – (Buick GN in background)
Born to Race (2011)
Born to Race Fast Track (2014)
Cats Eye (1985, Stephen King) – (Ducky’s car, a 1981-83 turbo buick)
Changing Lanes (2002)
Clean (2022) – (GN)
Control Factor (2003)
Creed III (2023) – (GN in beginning of movie)
Crocodile Dundee II (1988)
Cruise (2018) – (GN)
Eddie (1996)
Fast & Furious (#4) (2009)
Fatal Beauty (1987)
Fun Size (2012)
F/X2 (1991)
Hyper Street Racing Type B (2005)
Jerry and Marge go Large (2022) (t type)
L.A. Takedown (1989)
Lay It Down (2001)
Lying and Stealing (2019) – (GN)
Mars Attacks (1996)
Menace II Society (1993)
Mob Land 2023 (t type)
Nasty Boys (1989 TV movie)
Neon Detroit Knights (2019) – (GN)
Out for Justice (1991)
Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987) (Regal in parking lot)
Rumble Through the Dark (late 2022) (GN)
Samaritan (2022, Sylvester Stallone movie)
Shoplifters of the World (2021) – (Buick GN in background)
Species (1995)
Straight Outta Compton (2015)
The Chilling (1989)
The Substitute 2 (1998)
War Dogs (2016) (GN)


TV Shows: (sorry, specific episodes unknown if not specified)

Beverly Hills 90210 (1993)
Blue Bloods S11 Ep6  (Turbo T)
Chicago PD s09e11 (Grand National)
Everybody Hates Chris
Fantasy Island (2022) s02e04 (GN in parking lot, starts at 9min in)
Gravesend (2020)
Heat Vision and Jack (1999)
Matlock. (A nice GN trying to run him over, crashing through garage doors, etc.)
Miami Vice
Nasty Boys (1987)
OZARK season one episode 4
Ray Donovan season 6 episode 10  (Turbo T)
Rescue Me
The Deuce S3 E1  (1985 Grand National)
Unsupervised (adult cartoon) (?)
Walker Texas Ranger Season 4 episode 25 (Grand National)
Watchmen (on HBO) features a Grand National driven by the main (woman) star


Online / Internet Car Shows & Misc:

The Garage Squad, Season 3, Motor Trend TV (GN episode)

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (Jay & Tim Allen have a burnout contest using Duttweiler’s GN!)
(you can probably find this on youtube)


Watch: Buick Videos


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