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A Quick History Lesson on the Buick Regal (video)

The video herein is titled something else by the author, but it should have been titled more accurately “The History of the Buick Regal.”

It’s original title was obviously created to spark interest in the video.
(but it would have done the same or even better with our title)

It shows you the beginnings (1973) up until the current Buick Regals, and mentions quite a few details about each model.

The (1981) Regal Somerset model (with specs & details) is highlighted, NASCAR Regals are shown, 1982, 1984-1987 Grand Nationals, getting into the George Thorogood “Bad to the Bone” TV commercial.
The GNX details are also herein.
(and lots more, too!)

This is a pretty cool video if you’re into the Buick Turbo Regals.

Of course, you may already know all the specs about them, but it’s still a neat one to get a short refresher course!
(and if you don’t know all about them Gbody Regals, start with this one!)

It’s only about 10 minutes long, and a great way to kill some time, along with putting a big smile on your face!

Kick back for a bit and Press the big red play button!




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