Rear Sway Bar Clamps Keeps ARB’s in Their Place

Having an aftermarket rear sway bar (anti-roll bar) like the ones sold by HR Parts, Spohn, or the many other companies that make them, is a great addition to your Turbo Regal.
They make your G-body Regal handle and perform MUCH better.

The one drawback that can happen occasionally, is that it tends to move side to side sometimes.
(within the rubber or poly mounts that it’s contained within, on the rear axle)

There is, however, an easy fix for this when you need to keep your bar firmly in place.
Acquire yourself a set of clamps, attach them to the bar next to those mounts, and voila! problem fixed.
I don’t think it matters which side (inside or outside) of the brackets you put them, just choose whichever is more convenient to get to.

They cost less than 20 bucks shipped for a set of 2.
There’s a few companies that produce these parts.
(we chose Climax Metal Products)

It’s good piece of mind keeping your bar straight and doing what it’s suppose to do, especially when you push your car hard on a regular basis.

[Note: make sure you order the correct size clamps for your bar, bar sizes vary based on the manufacturer!]



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