Rockin Rods n Rochester MI Car Show 2022

The skies were overcast all day long on Sunday August 14, 2022, for the yearly Rockin Rods N Rochester MI Car Show.
The predicted forecast was no rain in this specific area, which was correct and true, but the probability of inclement weather (or it raining to and from the show) most likely kept some attendees from participating in this years event.

Last years car show had more vehicles in the various lots and on the street, but there were still a lot that came today making it a worthwhile trip.

A few G-bodies and older Buicks (which is what we like), along with a slew of assorted vintage, muscle and classic vehicles were present.

2 more days until Woodward Wednesday, which is usually the best show of the year (for the Turbo Regal scene)!




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