Sanders Car Show Sept 2021

This Clinton Township, Michigan, Sanders car show was the last one for the 2021 season.
Held on the third Thursday of the month as usual, it drew a large crowd for the final hoorah of the year.

Many of the attendees at this event are regular participants, so you’ll see a bunch of the same cars (but some new ones too) if you come to all the monthly car meets.
This final show generally brings out the regular gang and an assortment of newcomers to this auto spectacle.

A handful of GM G-body vehicles (this time around 2 GN’s, a few Monte’s, a few Cutlasses) are a given at any of these gatherings, some GM A-body automobiles, as well as a wide variety of other modes of transportation.

The salted caramel chocolates that the ladies passed out were delicious!
And the bumpy cake also, from the shoppe…
Thanks Sanders, see you next year!


(they have kits for ALL G-body cars too)



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