1985 Buick GN V6 Powered Reverse Trike

One of our readers sent this in to us.
He took a 1985 Buick Grand National V6 engine (with twin turbos) and mounted it on his reverse trike (meaning 2 wheels in front, 1 in the back)!
With as light as this thing is, we bet it flies!


Here’s his story:

Hi. Love your website.
Hope you enjoy my madness!

I started collecting parts in 2012 to build a reverse trike of my own design and build.
Everything on it I’ve built myself except the plasma cut parts or header collectors and flanges.
All with one hand!

I Found a 1985 GN V6 for the power plant after 4 years of searching and always had the 1987 version sold before I could get to them.
Finally found the 200RH or 200r4 as some call it a year later.

In 2015 I suffered a major motorcycle accident losing my left arm and the right being limited to lifting 25 lbs.

Still kept collecting parts until March 15th of 2020 when COVID shut everything down.
I had pre made my frame design using 1 5/8″ pvc same OD as the 1 3/4″ Chromoly I was using to build the frame with.
Built most of the frame between March 15th and June 15th of 2020.
The front 6 feet weighs in at 40 lbs.

Made the equal length Stainless steel headers from scratch, modified front wheel drive intake manifold, Carbon fiber valve covers and hubcaps for motorcycle wheels.

The engine and trans sit backwards (on purpose), with the help of a v-drive out of a drag boat.
Did that to counteract all the torque that it will eventually face when a 1000 HP TA Performance version gets dropped in it.

She will hopefully weigh in at between 900-1000 lbs when completed with the cast iron block and down to 800-900lbs with the aluminum block engine.
She is geared for 205 MPH.
Tires are only good to 130 at present.

There are (2) GT35 turbos, Winters quick change rear end, 52″ driveline, Hall (ass) Craft 800 HP v-drive out front, 60’s front engine dragster torsion bar/friction shock suspension out front (7 lbs total weight), 52″ wide 1 5/8″ round 6″ drop chromoly front straight axle built from scratch.

My Ex-wife called her “The Mistress” and that name has stuck.

Thank you. I hope you enjoy my insanity!
Robert McElhinny
Union City, Indiana.




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