Buick Exterior Trim SPID Codes

Exterior trim codes are identified on the trunk SPID label and always start with two numbers.

The first two numbers are the basic color and the third will denote what part of the Buick Regal the trim code is for.

Codes ending with the letter U is the UPPER exterior paint code and the primary paint code if it is a monotone or single color

Codes ending with the letter L is the LOWER exterior paint code.

Codes ending with the letter M is the MIDDLE exterior paint code.

Codes ending with the letter A is the ACCENT color code for stripes and decals.

Codes ending with the letter Q is the color for body side moldings.

Codes ending with the letter T is the vinyl top color.

Codes ending with the letter P is the wheel or wheel cover color.

The exterior paint code is also represented by the Fisher Body or industry standard codes and are listed at the bottom of the trunk label and start with the letters WA followed by a code.


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