Whenever you chance attending a car show this late in the season, especially with impending possible rain looming overhead, there’s a probability the event will tur...
Not even the late morning rain could stop the several hundred motorists who were intent on participating in the annual North Gratiot Avenue Summer Cruise. Saturday, Septe...
On Sunday, September 18, 2022, in Warren, Mich., the 21st Annual UAW Region 1 Car Show was held. This was our first time at this event, and we’re glad we came. GM G...
Now that August is done, with the crazy amount of car cruises & shows that are held during that month, September is the perfect Month to attend a bunch of smaller we...
This was another local weekly cruise-in type car show that we hit up on September 7, 2022. Every Wednesday, there’s a gathering here at Seeburgers Cheeseburgers, 35...
We decided to head out to this weekly Thursday car show held at the Big Boy Restaurant in Troy, Michigan. There was about 50-60 vehicles that showed up. A decent turnout...
This precursor car show to the Romeo Peachfest (in Romeo, Mich), was held on Thursday, September 1, 2022, at the TSC (Tractor Supply Company) Store in Washington, MI. It...
We’ve been attending the annual Harper Avenue Cruise in Saint Clair Shores, MI, for over a decade, and never have we seen it this packed with sooo many different ve...
The Hines Drive Cruise is probably 1 of the top 5 car shows of the year. Only vehicles 25+ years or older are allowed inside (morning until late afternoon), making all th...