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Downriver Fort Street Cruise 2024

The morning and into the start of the afternoon, the weather was gloomy, 95% cloud cover, and predicted rain off and on all day long.
But we knew that wouldn’t stop the hard core hot rodders on this side of town from venturing out and participating, even if that meant simply being in a parking lot somewhere with the other muscle & classic cars that are always at this popular event.

This car cruise is never a disappointment, lots of Buick Grand Nationals (& T-types, etc.) and GM G-bodies rolling down the street every few minutes.
Of course, being with the current forecast situation as it was, the normal pace of things here was slowed down considerably, so there weren’t quite as many as in years past (but enough to be gratifying).

Saturday, June 29, 2024, was still a great fun filled day for car buffs!
After about 3PM, the sun made an appearance, and the rain clouds held out for the rest of the night (even though they were still present in certain areas).

Cars were still rolling in when we left at 7:30PM, probably because the skies looked mostly ok, and auto aficionados desperately wanted to attend this car cruise.

The action at the Downriver cruise happens through Lincoln Park, Southgate & Riverview, Michigan, but Southgate usually has the most traffic (and a BIG filled parking lot at Krogers, Sonic, and nearby, which coincidentally, is the hot spot for burnout activities).


LOTS of automobile events happening in July, so we’re pretty sure sunny skies and auto enthusiasts will be out in force very soon!


> GM A-body LED kits <   are available as well !



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