Neon lit signs use to be all the rage back in the day, as the only other alternative was using plain light bulbs or fluorescent tubes, which could be cool if applied correctly to their usage.
Nowadays, LED’s have became the standard cool new “it” thing.
Of course, there’s collectors and enthusiasts out there who actually prefer neon, for their antique and retro looks. Which are perfect examples for your Turbo Regal garages, since this kind of technology was still present when these Buick Regals were still considered “new.”
Today we’re showing you all types of these lighted signs.
Brand new neon style designs are being created for the Buick market.
Other lighted versions have simple regular type bulbs behind them to make them shine.
Even a vintage era Buick tri shield sign that’s now been converted to the LED type.
Most of the Buick crest versions you see (in the wild, at a buddys house, for sale online, etc.) have been acquired from old Buick car dealerships, where they have now been (usually) restored, repaired or modified to get them up to modern standards.