RARE 1985 Buick Dealership Showroom Marketing Display Signs

When you walk into a Buick dealership showroom, not only are some of the new cars sitting on display for potential buyers to see, but oftentimes next to the vehicles are information about the specific models you are looking at.

Shown here are large signs, officially titled the “Buick Selection Center” where you could flip through these pages and see all about the details & specs about the Buick cars.

Some of the pages featured in the display racks were exact copies (only a much larger size) from the annual Buick dealer albums that the dealerships received.

Like much of the marketing material that Buick dealers received, most of it was pitched out at the end of the sales year to make way for the new incoming displays.
(not to mention that most never thought about this stuff as being “collectible” status)

Hence, promotional items such as this are truly rare merchandise to acquire.
The particular set shown here is being sold on ebay right now.
The rarity is reflected in the huge price tag for them.
($1200! But the seller does have a “make an offer” option, if you really need to have this)



Here's some related Buick items if you happen to be shopping for Buick merchandise! (if you can't see them, turn off your ad blocker!)





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