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Telegraph Cruise 2024

This was a driving lotsa-miles kinda day, as well as a very long day.
We were at the Port Huron Main Street Memories 2024 show earlier, then we ventured all the way down here for the annual Telegraph Cruise.

[ 1 hour drive out to Port Huron (and staying out there a couple hours), then 1 hour 30 minutes down to Telegraph (and cruising/sightseeing for 3 hours), then 30 minutes home ]

Saturday, July 27, 2024, thru Taylor, MI, cruising down Telegraph Road, where this annual event always draws out a huge crowd of automotive enthusiasts.

This is a good event to drive a bit, pull in a parking lot and check out the cool rides that are contained within, then drive a bit further and hit another lot, repeat as necessary.

[ it’s been a couple years since we went to this particular cruise, since we’re usually down in Cleveland, OH, for the annual Gbody Classic, but that show was a couple weeks ago (so no interfering with THIS one this year). A new thing we noticed here, is all the turnarounds are now blocked off! Don’t know when (or why) they implemented this, but how dumb, you have to drive like 5-6 miles all the way down to be able to turn around! UGG! ]

[ we also noticed that there was way more traffic headed South, then Northbound. Strange, where did all the cars go that didn’t head back North?? ]

Today we counted 27 assorted Turbo Regals (95% were the Buick GN variety), plus tons of other GM G-bodies. And lots of GM A-bodies. Of course, there was other cool things too…

[ THIS was the most Buick Turbo Regals we’ve seen gathered together at 1 single (Michigan) event this entire year (so far – the Buick Woodward Wednesday event is in a couple weeks, and there’ll be oodles of them there) ]


August begins soon, you know, the crazy month where literally, there’s an automotive event happening every single day (and many multiple events going on for Saturdays and Sundays too)!
Next weekend:
Cruise to Goodrich Car Show (Saturday), then on Sunday, it’s: Troy Traffic Jam AND the Clinton Township Gratiot Cruise, those are the 3 we’re hitting up, hope to see ya there!
(but to note, there’s a few other car shows going as well besides these 3)


> GM A-body LED kits <   are available as well !



On the trip home, we did make 2 quick stops, both made for a prime photo opportunity, since we were passing them by anyways!


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