Last USMA Lions Car Show Center Line MI 2023

The ABC warehouse parking lot on 10 Mile Rd (near Van Dyke, Center Line, MI) is where the Lions car show was held on Sunday, June 25, 2023.

Lots of trophies were passed out, lots of cool classic cars showed up, and lots of spectators gawked at all of them. Overall, a great time!

Today was another warm day for this last Lions show put on by the USMA (car club).
(the USMA will be ending this year unless someone wants to take it over, contact

We saw some GM G-body vehicles, plus a few older Buicks, and at an event like this (less than 100 cars), that’s usually good enough for the satisfaction of attending.

Had a pleasant conversation with a relatively new (within the last year) Turbo Regal owner, Phil, who has a beautiful 1987 Buick Grand National (with Budnik GN wheels, see the pics).
Welcome to the Turbo Buick world Phil!


This was the conclusion of our 5 day run of car shows (that ended up being only 4).
Next up:
Saturday, July 8, is the Cruisin’ US 12 / Michigan Avenue car cruise in downtown Wayne, hope to see plenty of you there!




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