Van Dyke Cruise 6-3-23

The Van Dyke Cruise for this annual event occurred on Saturday June 3, 2023.
Even though there was a bit more online promotion this time around, it apparently didn’t do much good, as the turnout was dismal.

Perhaps car lovers just don’t like this event for some reason.



We’re officially calling it quits on attending this event, as there aren’t enough participating vehicles that ever go to this cruise.
We’ve been driving to this one for 4 straight years, hoping it would get better.
The number of cars cruising around doesn’t even justify going to check it out any longer.
Sorry promoters and the City of Center Line & Warren, you failed on this one.

Driving from 9 Mile to 14 Mile, the only place cool automobiles were parked at was in the shopping plaza at the corner of 10 Mile Road.
That’s it.
And there were only somewhere around 50 or less vehicles.


Come back to this site tomorrow to see a much better show that we also attended on this same day.



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