The Wilson Barn Car Show June 2022

We hadn’t even heard of this place or event until 2021 when a friend had attended it and said there was a huge turnout. As we are always up for seeking new venues and car shows, the decision was made to go check it out for 2022.

It wasn’t a disappointment, as beyond the $5 gate fee stood hundreds (we’d guess around 500) of hot rods, muscle cars, antiques and other vehicles that were on display for the Sunday, June 12, 2022 yearly event. Held in Livonia, Michigan, this “barn on the corner” locale provided plenty of room for participants to show off what they brung.

Our $5 worth of 50/50 raffle tickets we purchased didn’t yield the $590 payout, but we had fun anyways and saw a bunch of cool new rides (being from the Eastside, the Westside hot rodders usually don’t frequent the local hotspots we normally go to on our side of town, so whenever there’s an opportunity to visit a different hangout, we try to hit it!).

Just FYI, that yellow IROC-Z you see in the first pic, we were told that this was a car from the “8 Mile” movie (with Eminem).
(it’s in the parking lot scene starting at 27:35, just 1 of the numerous amount of vehicles used in this movie).
Replicas of the Dukes of Hazzard ’69 Charger along with a few other star cars were in the lot.

Also check out the blue Chevy truck, rear engine, with the gas tank under the hood!

This was a pretty cool car show that we’ve already marked down on our “must attend list” for 2023! You should too…




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