BMD Buick Plant Factory Ash Trays & Match Books

Way back in the day (1950s-1970s) when smoking was an acceptable social pleasure, the Buick Motor Division produced some ashtrays, made of copper or aluminum.
Usually commemorating some special event like the aluminum version 1955 Special Prevue of cars, or the solid copper Buick Forge Anniversary (1907-1967).

Then of course, needed accessories were created, like these pack of matches, to be able to light up the cigarettes used in these ash trays.
Shown is a match book style with the Buick Hawk printed on them, along with the Flint, Michigan Buick address on back.

Some Buick Car dealerships were also afforded the opportunity to promote their businesses on stylish looking assorted color ashtrays, like the example below.



Here's some related Buick items if you happen to be shopping for Buick merchandise! (if you can't see them, turn off your ad blocker!)





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