Buick Grand National Headlight Bezel Replacement

After years of abuse, actually just simple driving, the wear and tear of this task takes a toll on the stock headlight bezels of a Buick Grand National (as well as the other Turbo Buick models).

Chips, fading, perhaps small cracks here or there, or warpage from the sun.
(or all of the above)

You might be able to save your originals (clean, sand, paint them) if they aren’t too warped (but most of them are), or you can just take the easy way out and purchase brand new reproductions (which look and fit exactly like the factory versions).

[the black GN versions are about $150, chrome ones are around $140, per set of 2]

There’s only 4 bolts holding the headlight bezel onto the body of the Buick Grand National (or any Turbo Regal for that matter).
2 are on the side, 2 are on the front at the top.
[T15 torx, or maybe a phillips screw if it was replaced, are the screw types there]

You’ll also have to take off (and reuse) your existing side marker lights.
There’s 3 7mm bolts holding them onto the headlight bezels, 2 on the backside, and 1 at the bottom.

Replacement is as easy as removing the old ones, and installing the new ones.

The entire job (both sides) can be done in less than 10 minutes.

Get to it, make your Gbody Regal’s front end look pretty again.


If your having issues fastening the bezels on (screws turning but not fully securing), look into these: headlight bezel retainers.

This also might be a good time to replace the corner markers as well, if they’re scratched up, cracked / broken, or otherwise look bad.
You can’t be having nice headlight bezels with improper looking corner lights!

[we replaced both side corner marker lights when we did the headlight bezels. Then slapped 70% black tint film on them, to keep that sinister look going on this Buick GN. They have LED lights in them, so the lights still shine through them even with the dark tint]



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