The annual Buick meetup for local Turbo Buick Michiganians was yesterday (August 12). Held in the usual parking spot in front of the Staples building (across from the Moo...
The 2020 Telegraph Cruise (July 25th) in Taylor Michigan seemed a bit lighter this year compared to previous years. Perhaps people are still social distancing? Or maybe c...
After the blistering heat wave we’ve been having here lately, this cruise day (7-11-20) was just about perfect weather wise. A nice cool day for a hot cruise! The W...
Other than a 20 minute disturbance from the rain mid day, the 2020 Downriver Cruise (6-27-20) on Fort Street thru Southgate & Lincoln Park was a fantastic event. Lots...
The Detroit Autorama (Feb 29, 2020) is usually the season’s kickoff and the first big automotive event on the 2020 car cruising & car show schedule. While there...
Here’s a handy list of GM part numbers for a lot of parts for all Buick Turbo Regal G-bodies. Some common non-GM parts are included as well. [ I copied this from so...
. . There’s 12 spots (6 on each side) on the Turbo Regal chassis where the Buick Regal body attaches. (even though there’s 7 positions shown in the photo; the...
Here’s a nifty chart that lists all of the different light bulbs that can be found in any Buick Turbo Regal, whether it be a Grand National, Turbo T, T-type, or bas...
There’s plenty of rear axles that you can stuff under your Turbo Buick besides the OEM stock 10 bolt rear end. Sure, most non-factory units will require some mods (...
December 11, 1987 marks the day that the very last Buick Grand National would ever be built. In fact, it would be the very last car that rolled off the assembly line of t...