Cruise to Goodrich MI 2023 Car Show

We’ve been to almost every single Southeastern Michigan car show and/or car cruise in the last few years, at least once, with some of them being so good we keep coming back year after year.

Most auto buffs also have there own typical areas and car shows that they regularly participate in.
And they don’t normally stray out of their set patterns.

So that means if we want to drool over a different variety of vehicles than we generally see, we need to break our own cycle of where we go and which events we attend.

Our routine travel radius is usually 45 minutes or less, with some exceptions being made sporadically (like the Ohio G-body car show).

This Saturday, August 5, 2023, we decided to venture out a little further than our regular territory.
Just to check out what types of vehicles attend this mid-Michigan event.
The hope would be for our 1 hour and 10 minute ride (1 way, 58 miles), we would be granted some stimulating eye candy for our efforts.

The Cruise to Goodrich MI Car Show this year is the first time we’ve travelled here.
We were pleasantly surprised to see around 450 automobiles spread out over this venue.
90% of them were various modes of transportation that we haven’t ever seen before!
That’s what happens when you go to a brand new place, and a (new to you) car show!

If you’d like to view some other new autos instead of the regular crowds that you see at the shows you normally go to, try venturing off to somewhere you’ve never been to!
You might get some different types of smiles on your face!

This “small town” car show sure knows how to draw out hot rods of all kinds!
Several car clubs were representing (Hoodlums, Flaming Pistons, Two Lane Cruises, Rat Headz).

Great for us, there was a 1987 Buick Grand National and a 1986 Regal T-Type WH1, plus a bunch of other G-bodies at this one, which is the expectation we anticipate when attending a show (we don’t always get our wish, but it helps to make it a nice worthwhile event).
Lots of GM A-bodies and other cool things too.

The warm (but not too hot) sunshiney day made for an excellent turnout.
We debated about attending this one, as there were a couple other auto events happening this same day, but now we’re glad we made the right choice!




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