Custom Buick Graphics Package

So I was looking for a few custom Buick graphic decals for the GN.
After discussing some ideas with my local graphics guy, jokingly, sort of, he asks me if the GN is… as fast as lightning…


BAM! Total theme package created for the Buick Grand National!


It initially started as just a windshield sunvisor graphic to replace the standard, off the shelf, white letter vinyl decals that were on there to advertise the URL to this website.
But once that first piece was generated, it was waaaay to cool to just stop there…


And thank goodness my graphics guy is “into” developing cool custom graphics, along with accepting the challenge of me throwing him a bunch of crazy ideas (some that are able to be realized and some that he just flat out says no to, lol), we work together on creating a balance between what I have envisioned, what I want, what he’s realistically able to do and what’s actually able to be accomplished via printing. Perfect simpatico!… mostly…


Along with the front & back windshield sunvisor decals, the underside of the hood warranted a special piece as well.


Every panel in the interior that had a factory placed decal on it, received an upgrade in the style of the new lightning theme.


~ The dash cluster (an upgraded gnx style dash gauge setup already)
~ the dash cluster vent
~ lights panel
~ interior light panel
~ rear defog / right mirror panel


~ the 3 dash vents (the outside edge that were silver/chrome originally) were painted dark blue {not shown in the pics} using a paint marker (as the decals wouldn’t stick to the original surface)
~ the dash plaque panel (the original was removed & replaced with a piece of plexi)
~ radio bezel


~ console (3 pieces; top, ashtray cover, little bottom strip)
~ ashtray switch panel (ashtray was removed & replaced with a 4 switch panel)


~ door strap covers
~ door strap escutcheons


Overboard? Perhaps, but it looks very cool & different, & that’s what makes the world go round, right?!


These pictures don’t do justice to the effect these have in person.
Pretty much everyone who sees them close up is amazed & compliments them.
Admittedly, they’re a bit out there, and so far, purists haven’t thumbs-downed these since they look very good, almost like they belong there…


buick back window

front window


buick windshield graphic 1 buick windshield graphic 2 buick windshield graphic 3 buick windshield graphic 4 buick windshield graphic 5


buick gn hood decal


buick grand national dash


buick gauge bezel


gauge bezel closeup 1 gauge bezel closeup 2 gauge bezel closeup 3


lights interior lights dash panel rear defog right  mirror panel


buick radio bezel

console pieces

buick dash plaque


rear door strap escutcheon front door strap escutcheon


Like them? Have your own design/theme/style in mind?
My graphics guy can produce some custom Buick graphics for your turbo regal as well!
(since I already have the specs/sizes measured out already for all of the pieces)
Contact me & I can get you in touch with him!



On the rear interior quarter panels (under the side windows), a pair of 6″ (mid) speakers were added on, and this of course, had to be in theme with the rest of the Buick graphics, so a set of cool lightning-themed decals were created and stuck onto the custom speaker panels (made out of plexiglass) that were grafted onto the OEM side panel.



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