The Buick mesh style wheel, found originally on the 1987 Buick GNX, is a popular choice for other Buick Regals as well.
(and it should be, it’s a nice looking wheel, despite its weight).
The GNX style crosslace type rims used a center cap that was a hexagon shape on the outer edge, but round at the attachment point, and had “tabs” on the insides that held them in place.
{and worked ok, as long as they ALL were still there… and you didn’t go sliding around corners…}.
The original Buick GNX center caps (which were originally from a Pontiac Trans Am) had a decal placed over the Pontiac version (the Trans Am bird) to represent the Buick moniker.
{the GNX rim itself differs from the Trans Am version because the wheel offset is different (you need to use 4 front rims on the Buick); and the GNX middle section was painted black, as opposed to the Pontiac’s gold color}
This type of center cap has been reproduced, and you really can’t tell at all a genuine one from an aftermarket unit at a glance. (see pics below).
The repros are available with many different buick logos & nameplates on them (decal overlays): Turbo T, T-type, several different versions (& colors) of the tri shield logo, the word Turbocharged, turbo 6 arrow, etc.
Kirban Performance reproduced the entire GNX wheel, and made their own style of center caps to fit this particular rim.
{which if I remember correctly, does NOT fit the Buick GNX factory rim}. See the last pic below.

The rims below are the GNX style wheels that the above center caps fit on.
