Old School ATR Buick GN T-Type Fan Revision Kit

Every so often, we run across things that we hadn’t seen before.
We’ve been into these Turbo Regals since the very beginnings, and have seen many a product come and go, and flipped thru the catalogs of most of the major Turbo Buick dealers at one time or another.
Perhaps we’ve just seen so many contraptions that we simply forgot the ones that weren’t truly amazing.
Not to mention there’s always the latest and greatest technology that continues to replace these vintage creations.

In the interest of gathering all things Buick Grand National & T-type related, we felt it necessary to include information such as this herein.
Newbies might find the info interesting, and old timers may get a kick out of seeing stuff like this again.
Hence, the presenting of these products on this website occasionally.

We saw this listed for a cheap $22 on ebay awhile back!

Here’s what the listing said about it:

This is an old school fan revision kit from Applied Technologies and Research. Made for the 1986-1987 Buick Grand National and T-Type (Turbo T too).
It is designed to run the radiator fan full time at lower speeds to provide extra cooling.
The sensor mounted behind the grill shuts off the fan at higher speeds.
The included relay replaces one of the factory relays.
Instructions included.



Here's some related Buick items if you happen to be shopping for Buick merchandise! (if you can't see them, turn off your ad blocker!)





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