Vintage Buick Auto Dealership Trunk Emblems

Some people collect the different license plates to display on their Turbo Regal garage walls, others have emblems used by various Buick car dealerships from around the U.S. displayed.

It’s interesting to see the growth in design, styling and materials used for the dealership trunk emblems over the years.
First metal, now mostly made out of plastic.
They started off plain and simple, basically a rectangular box with raised lettering, with the Buick Auto Dealership name & city.
Then logos and designs were implemented, along with some being cut out and into shapes.
From 2″ to 6″ long, and 1″ to 4″ tall.
Vintage styling meant a black background with chrome letters, newer designs are full of colors.

Trading is a possibility to acquirement, moreso buick license tags than buick dealer emblems, but you may find some people willing.
Otherwise, ebay or amazon etc., is a good starting point.



Here's some related Buick items if you happen to be shopping for Buick merchandise! (if you can't see them, turn off your ad blocker!)





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