The ABC’s of Woodward Wednesday Part C

This is the final page of pictures from Woodward Wednesday, the one day a year everyone looks forward to when all fellow buick turbo regal owners gather round, show off their vehicles, grab a bite to eat, do some BS-ing and flock the streets of metro Detroit on Woodward Avenue!

I jumped in the back seat of a 1987 Buick Grand National for a unique perspective of cruising Woodward while the streets were being filled by total blackness!
(Thanks Jeff!)


burgundy t-typeinside a buick gn

buick grand national viewfollowed by buick

turbo buicks on woodwardboost gage

1986 white t-typewhite regal limited

buick runs the streetwhite turbo t

following the packbuicks in line

parade of turbo regalsgn on ww ave

1 bad gncruising

turbo buick grand nationalheading down woodward avenue

looking backturbo regals on woodward

buick regal t-typeblackness


If you missed the first 2 pages of pics from this 2013 event:

Woodward Wednesday Part A         Woodward Wednesday Part B


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