Buick Car Dealership Badges

Buick automobile dealership badges (AKA Buick dealer emblems) have graced the trunks of Buick autos for numerous decades.

Those sometimes fancy, normally chrome, pieces of advertising are affixed to the trunk lids or rear panels on assorted Buick Regals and other vehicles.

Done by the car dealerships since the very start of automobile sales, it’s pretty much a staple in the arsenal of promotional tools used by the Buick dealers.

Some new car owners prefer to remove these dealer badges for a more clean look, others don’t really care.

The emblems with a sticky (strip of glue tape) backside usually come off relatively easily, but may require scraping or wiping off of the remaining residue.

Many years ago, some of these Buick dealership emblems were attached to the vehicle with attached pins on the backside, meaning, if you removed them, you were left with 2 holes in your trunklid!





Here's some related Buick items if you happen to be shopping for Buick merchandise! (if you can't see them, turn off your ad blocker!)





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