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Lakeside Mall Last Show June 2024

This was the very last weekly car show being held at Lakeside Mall in Sterling Heights, MI, as the mall will be demolished sometime soon.

For this Monday June 24, 2024, auto spectacular, the normal marked off perimeter was completely filled, with cars parking in areas not usually used. Some of the rows were 3 cars deep!
Then there was a fews row beyond the borders with even more cars filling the spots!

The officials said they lost count after 455 vehicles, but we believe there were probably close to 600 cars on display here, not a shocker considering this was the final call.
This had to have been an all time record for this venue.

Future Funtime Cruzers shows will be announced later, as it’s unknown currently a location that can hold 400-ish cars that sometimes show up regularly for this event!
(but we did hear someone say they thought the new place is on Hall Road somewhere)

3 Buick Grand Nationals at this one, along with plenty of other fine automobiles.
Looked like pretty much everyone came out for this one!


The Downriver Cruise (Fort Street) is Saturday, hope to see many of you guys with G-bodies out there!


> GM A-body LED kits <   are available as well !



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