LS motor Buick Grand National

So what do you do when you’re bored with the V6 3.8 liter that’s in your Buick Regal Grand National?

*** WARNING: faithful diehard buick v6 guys should stop reading right NOW! ***

You go ahead and drop in an LS motor powerplant!!

AND Thats exactly what these 2 brothers did…
in BOTH of their turbo buick cars!

Of course, they took two different routes in their installations.

The silver car (adequately titled ‘bad idea’) has an LS7 with a big turbo.

The black car (appropriately named ‘top gun’) has an LS8 with small, but… TWIN turbos!

How cool is that?


We found them hanging out Sunday in Dooleys parking lot in Roseville, MI after the Clinton Township Gratiot Cruise.


Take a look at these awesome buick beasts!


LS powered Buick Grand NationalBuick Grand National with LS motor


The Black Grand National:


twin turbo buick grand nationaltwin turbo LS motorLS powered Buick Grand NationalV8 Buick Grand NationalFast LSXR 102


The silver Buick Grand National:


V8 LS Buick Grand NationalBuick Grand National with LS engine


Time to leave…


fast buick grand nationals1987 Buick Regal Grand National1987 Buick Grand Nationaltearing up the streets in a Buick Grand Nationalwheels up in a buick grand national


Watching the silver car leave… on Gratiot Avenue…
with the cops watching directly across the street no less, was an unreal spectacle!
Ain’t nothing quite like seeing a Turbo Regal pull the wheels off the ground on city streets!!!


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