Packard Proving Grounds Fall Open House 2021

The Saturday, October 17, 2021, Fall Open House over at the Packard Proving Grounds in Shelby Township, MI, is always a great show with a huge variety of new and old transportation for your viewing pleasure.

Brands and models of all types are parked here, and we’re guesstimating around 600 vehicles were on display at the Van Dyke Road (just North of 22 Mile Rd) venue.
During the show hours of 1 and 5 PM there were big crowds of people gathered checking out all of the classics.

A few G-body Regals, and a bunch of other G-bodied cars were present, along with some older Buick automobiles.

This was probably the 3rd largest show (that we know of) for this year (with Woodward and Frankenmuth being #1 & #2 respectively).
(The Hines Cruise would be in the #2 spot, but the regular date it normally occurs on didn’t happen this year due to flooding of the area at that time. We aren’t sure how many cars showed up for their Fall event that also was being put on today, since we attended this event & the PaddyWhackers car show earlier in the day on our way to the Packard spectacle.)

This car show should be on your must attend list if you haven’t been here before (and even if you have).
The museums are open to check out all the vintage Packard autos and displays and memorabilia, and the best part is this is a FREE event to attend!
(food trucks are on site & the museum sells dessert items!)


[ This show marked our 36th one we attended for the year! That’s a new record for us! That’s a lot of shows! Probably the last one we will attend for 2021 unless something cool pops up for Halloween! ]




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