We found this neat photo of a bunch of different spark plugs, and their condition, from oil foiled plugs to very hot and lean burnt. If you’re looking to tune your...
Recently we had to go thru the computer wires to figure out an issue. Having an ECM pinout of what each wire is (color / location), and where it goes / what component it...
While this post is not technically included in the 7 steps we’re doing this week for the rear disc brake swap on our 1987 Buick Grand National, this information cou...
I’m doing some front end suspension and steering work on the Buick Grand National, so figured I’d share the proper torque specs since I had to find them for m...
Got an old school turbo that you need to know what it compares to on a newer style turbo? Need to now the specs for a certain turbocharger? Want to see compressor or turb...
Reference pic for where the body bushings are mounted on the frame in all g-body vehicles. Distances between each hole, as well as measurements from frame to all frame ho...
Here’s a handy list of GM part numbers for a lot of parts for all Buick Turbo Regal G-bodies. Some common non-GM parts are included as well. [ I copied this from so...
. . There’s 12 spots (6 on each side) on the Turbo Regal chassis where the Buick Regal body attaches. (even though there’s 7 positions shown in the photo; the...
Here’s a nifty chart that lists all of the different light bulbs that can be found in any Buick Turbo Regal, whether it be a Grand National, Turbo T, T-type, or bas...