More COOL Grocery Getters!

Buick Motor Division never produced an actual Buick Grand National style station wagon, but that didn’t stop a few people from creating there own special grocery getter type vehicles.

The first pics below are of a prototype that BMD did actually make, but unfortunately, it never went into production.

The second set features a cool Buick Grand National – Chevrolet El Camino merger.

Finally, some similarly converted G-bodies to round out the beer run mode of transportation.


BMD factory special 1

BMD factory special 2

BMD factory special 3

el camino grand national merger

el camino grand national merger

Here’s a couple neat looking conversions, g-body style, but not buick inspired.

grand prix el camino conversion

cutlass el camino merger


Pretty cool, huh?


Buick Grand National El Camino Merger

Buick Grand National Station Wagon


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