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FS: LED Dome Light Bulbs (blue red green yellow white)

Here’s your chance to grab some colored LED bulbs for your dome light!

We came across a supply of these LED bulbs and are passing this deal to our readers.

Definitely a good upgrade for your Turbo Buick!

Not only can you see better inside your Gbody Regal, but the original filament bulb (OEM bulb) generates way too much heat, which causes damage to the actual light fixture!
LED bulbs solve this issue.

These LED Dome Light Bulbs are available in: blue, red, green, yellow, or white.

Fits Buick Turbo Regals and ALL G-bodies, for hardtop or t-top cars.

Set of 2 for just $10 shipped to you (in USA)!

We have limited quantities left of these bulbs, so if you’d like this upgrade for your Turbo Regal or other G-body vehicle, grab a set today!

[ *** IF you still are able to read this, then these LED’s are still available *** ]

The bulbs are MUCH brighter than shown in these pics, as a 9v battery was used for testing these!


(payment via Paypal, you can send a direct payment, or we can send you a paypal invoice, let us know in your message that you want a set, and WHICH color!)




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