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Colvin Family Video of Last Buick GN Built

Matt Colvin, son of Bob Colvin, the owner of the last ever made 1987 Buick Grand National, posted up on Facebook a brief conversation of his experience about the day that this very special G-body was created (on the very last day of the plants operations).

A few details are shared here for those who aren’t on facebook, or weren’t able to see his post.

Matt is the 4 year old boy in the video.
He literally pressed the frame drop on the last GN.
He says there were open pits, no barriers… a 4 year old kid just running around the plant pushing buttons.
Guys were smoking on the line (that was a very different time than today!).

How did they happen to acquire the car?
The details are a bit of a long story, but the short version is that we asked. My father is a Buick dealer and he started asking if he could get the last one. The persistence paid off and it happened. GM let us come up to watch it being built.

The person that (originally) purchased it, Bob Colvin, still owns it! The Buick Regal was signed by every assembly line worker as it made its way down the line.

(of course, we now know that soon, this pristine example will be auctioned off)


Be sure to come back to this website tomorrow, where we will show you GM’s official version of the last day of this Buick plant, with this G-body Regal headed down the assembly line!


[check out all those assorted G-bodies parked off to the sides in the beginning of the video!]




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