Wiring Harness (all 9 sections)

This category on the website [ ECM Wiring Harness Related ] we are giving you all of the information related to the individual parts in the Buick Turbo Regal, along with the associated wiring, connector plugs, etc.




Buick Regal, T-Type, Turbo T, Limited, Grand National, GNX


Wiring Harness


These are all the main harnesses in the Gbody Regal:
(although some of them may be taped together within the factory setup)

Front Head Light Harness
Engine Wiring Harness
Fuel Injector Harness
Powermaster Power Brake Unit Harness
Air Conditioning Harness
Dash Wiring Harness (Instrument Panel Harness)
Cross Body Harness
Front Body Harness
Rear Tail Light Harness


all are in constant use when the key is on


front, engine compartment, interior, rear



multiple colored wires, inside black tape or loom


black, gray, red, blue, off white




[we’re not breaking down the individual harness wires any further than below. If you need specific wiring info, see the specific component/part attached to the wiring harness you are seeking]

There’s 9 different sections (harnesses) in the car that all comprise the entire vehicles wiring harness setup.


front headlight harness
Front Head Light Harness:
this section of the harness has connectors / plugs / sockets for all of the lights on the front end of the vehicle. Head lights (4), front turn signal & park lights (4 total, 2 each), corner marker lights (2; 1 on each side of car), cornering lights (2; Regal Limited only; 1 on each fender)
The main plug for this harness comes out of the distribution block (c100) on the left (driver) side, at the firewall.


engine wiring harness
Engine Wiring Harness:
this section of the harness has connectors / plugs / sockets for all of the relays, sensors, modules, switches that connect to the engine or under hood components.
The main plug for this harness comes out of the distribution block (c100) on the LH (driver) side, at the firewall.


Fuel Injector Harness
Fuel Injector Harness:
this section of the harness has connectors / plugs / sockets for all of the Fuel Injectors (only). It is its own separate harness, and connects to a plug within the main Engine Wiring Harness.


Powermaster Power Brake Unit Harness:
this section of the harness has connectors / plugs / sockets for the PM motor and brake switch. It is its own separate harness and runs between the switch and relay (although it’s integrated within the engine harness).


Air Conditioning Harness:
this section of the harness has connectors / plugs / sockets for all of the a/c components.
The main plug for this harness goes thru the (c497) junction.

There’s actually a few different sections.
1 goes to the compressor. 1 is on the blower motor / vent control.

AC pump clutch wire harness
heater blower motor vent actuator control


Dash Wiring Harness (Instrument Panel Harness):
this section of the harness has connectors / plugs / sockets for all of the electronic components in the Buick Regal.
The main plug for this harness comes out of the fuse box, as well as out to the (c437) junction on the RH (passenger) side of the vehicle.
This section of wires includes the fusebox connected within this set of wiring.

under dash wiring harness
Dash Wiring Harness


Cross Body Harness:
this section of the harness has connectors / plugs / sockets for the electrical parts in both doors (and perhaps other items).
It starts at the (c209) junction block.
Note that the “cross body harness” is behind the dash, and is actually just integrated into the main harnesses that run to the left and right sides of the car.
(instead of it being a separate section as shown in most generally GM diagrams, including the one we show you in the “harness routing” post)


Front Body Harness:
this section of the harness starts at the (c209) junction block and runs down the LH (driver) side to the rear (c320) junction. This harness is basically power / ground / signal wires for the Rear Tail Light Harness (including third brake light, rear window defog) & fuel pump / fuel gauge wires. Part of the harness is surrounded by a wide black sleeve (this section is next to the door sills, under the carpet).

front body harness
front body harness to rear of car


rear tail light harness
Rear Tail Light Harness:
this section of the harness starts at the (c320) junction block and runs down the LH (driver) side to the rear tail lights, gas tank components.



[SEE harness routing]

The main harness is quite larger than you might expect of you haven’t ever seen one out of the car!
There’s LOTS of wires behind the dash.
The 5 photos set we show here (below) are ONLY the wires that are INSIDE the car.
(you’d have to add head light, tail light section, and a few more, to see ALL of the actual wires that are installed in the full Gbody Regal vehicle!)




Intermediate Body Wiring Harness:
This runs from the dash harness to the taillight harness down the drivers side, on the inside of the car.


Here’s a list of all of the ECM Wiring Harness Starting Charging Ignition Wiring & Connectors in the Buick Regal:
(click the links to go to the one you need info about)

* Alternator
* Battery Cables (Positive & Negative)
* Bulkhead Connections & Distribution Blocks
* Coil Pack
* ECM Memory Power Wire
* Fuel Pump Test Tap
* Fuse Box
* Fusible Links
* Harness Routing
* Ignition Module (IM)
* Inline Fuses
* Main Grounds (Grounding Points)
* SES Light
* Starter
* Tach Tap Harness
* Volts Light
* Wiring Harness (Main Harnesses in car)


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